4 Reasons Why You Should Read The Wrath and the Dawn

Name - The Wrath and the Dawn
Author - Renée Ahdieh
My rating - ☆☆☆☆☆

One Life to One Dawn.

In a land ruled by a murderous boy-king, each dawn brings heartache to a new family. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, is a monster. Each night he takes a new bride only to have a silk cord wrapped around her throat come morning. When sixteen-year-old Shahrzad's dearest friend falls victim to Khalid, Shahrzad vows vengeance and volunteers to be his next bride. Shahrzad is determined not only to stay alive, but to end the caliph's reign of terror once and for all.

Night after night, Shahrzad beguiles Khalid, weaving stories that enchant, ensuring her survival, though she knows each dawn could be her last. But something she never expected begins to happen: Khalid is nothing like what she'd imagined him to be. This monster is a boy with a tormented heart. Incredibly, Shahrzad finds herself falling in love. How is this possible? It's an unforgivable betrayal. Still, Shahrzad has come to understand all is not as it seems in this palace of marble and stone. She resolves to uncover whatever secrets lurk and, despite her love, be ready to take Khalid's life as retribution for the many lives he's stolen. Can their love survive this world of stories and secrets?

It's rare that you read a book, and immediately fall in love. That you read a book and from the very beginning are enamoured. The characters connect to the depths of your soul. You find yourself rereading sentances and your eyes linger on every word as though committing each letter to memory. The Wrath and the Dawn felt like a breathe of fresh air, it was everything I wanted and more. I have four reasons as to why you should read this book:

• Renée Ahdieh's poetic and lyrical writing style. In this book, words and sentances were strung together like fine pieces of silk, and I could not get enough.

• The achingly beautiful romance. Often in fantasy, the romance is rushed and forgettable. In The Wrath and the Dawn, the romance was spellbinding, alluring and heartbreakingly melancholic. It's enough to make you weep (which I did).

• Original characters, especially Shahrzad. Shahrzad is now my favourite female character. I find YA female protagonists very repetitive. Shahrzad is like a diamond in the midst of ruins, she immediately catches your eye. I thought her character was amazingly well-written, and she'll stay with me for a long time.

• The Middle Eastern themes. The Wrath and the Dawn is a retelling of a Thousand and One Nights, and I was captivated by the rich middle eastern culture. As an Asian, it's difficult to find stories that represent me, I finally found a book that I could see parts of myself and my childhood in. The little things like the food and the clothes made reading this book a wonderful and precious experience.

If you couldn't tell, I love this and I honestly just recommend it to everyone.

"It’s a fitting punishment for a monster. to want something so much—to hold it in your arms — and know beyond a doubt you will never deserve it."

"Some things exist in our lives for but a brief moment. And we must let them go on to light another sky."

"Love is—a shade of what I feel."

"People fall in and out of love with the rising and setting of the sun. Rather like a boy who loves the color green one day, only to discover on the morrow that he truly prefers blue."

"I understand how difficult it is, putting your heart in someone else’s hands. But, if you don’t, how will you ever truly know a person?"

"The worst kind of lie—the kind shrouded in good intentions. The kind cowards use to justify their weakness."

"And how will you know when you've found the elusive someone?
I suspect she will be like air. Like knowing how to breathe."

That's all from me bookworm! I hope you decide to pick this book up if you haven't already, it's well worth the read. 

Keep your head in a book and your heart with the stars. 

Thank you♡


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