About Me

Hello, Reader! First of all, welcome to my blog! Thank you for stopping by. I hope this blog encourages you to curl up with a good book, gives you a few book recommendations, or simply provides a safe space for you. I'll be posting about a range of topics on this blog: from book reviews, to book hauls, my monthly TBR's and Wrap Up's, book recommendation posts and so much more. 

My name is Hafsah, I'm 18 and I'm currently a student living in England. I grew up in Greater Manchester, a bustling city full of dark and cloudy days and raining skies. It's here that my love for books originates. Living in a city like Manchester can be difficult, especially for an introvert with anxiety. Books have always been my safe place, and I guess that's why this blog exists. 

My journey with reviewing books started on my Tumblr account, which then expanded to Instagram and now this blog. I loved connecting with people about my favourite books and authors. I loved helping out new authors whose books haven't yet gotten the publicity they deserve. I loved discussing my favourite things with people who were as equally passionate. 

Alongside bookish posts, I also hope to share some of my other passions. From photography, to creative writing, to journaling. This blog represents all of my hobbies, it's not just limited to book reviews (although it is mainly bookish content). 

I do take submissions for books. If you're an author or publisher who would like me to review your book, please send me an email at Hafsah.s.hussain@hotmail.com . My reviews are also published on Goodreads alongside my other social media platforms. More information can be found on the 'Contact' page. 

To everyone who has supported my blog, shared it on social media, followed me on other social media platforms, I am eternally grateful. This is blog is constantly growing and improving and I couldn't have done it without all of you! So thank you! I hope this blog provides a great service to bloggers, readers, authors and to simply every bookworm. Comments are always appreciated and responded to. 


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