Kiss Me Everyday - Dena Blake Book Review

Book - Kiss Me Everyday
Author - Dena Blake
My Rating - ☆☆☆☆
Release Date - July 14th

Wynn Jamison is turning thirty. Her career has made her rich, but her love life is sorely lacking. She’s okay with that until she spends her birthday dinner with the woman who could’ve changed it all. There’s only one problem. She’s married to Wynn’s sister.

Carly Evans is tired of her wife ignoring her needs to put her career first. Family has always been important to her, and Jordan just doesn’t seem to care.

A freak thunderstorm rages during the night, and Wynn finds herself catapulted back in time to the day she made the worst decision of her life―stepping aside to let her sister romance Carly. Reliving the day over and over again, Wynn must decide what is most important: success, loyalty, or love. Given a second chance at happiness, will she take the opportunity and change her destiny?

I have been craving a good female-female romance for the longest time, finally I read one that checked all the boxes. This book has a Groundhog Day plot, where Wynn finds herself reliving the same day over and over again. She must correct all of her mistakes in order to escape the time loop.

Things I loved:

▪ Wynn's journey of self-discovery is wonderful to witness. She develops compassion, love and finds happiness. Her character development is phenomenal.

▪ I loved the romance. Romance isn't my favourite genre, I tend to find it cringy and often lose interest. The romance in Kiss Me Every Day was the complete opposite. It was beautiful and exhilarating and consuming. It presented love in a truly magical way making the book a wonder to read.

▪ The PUPPIES. Honestly, whenever a puppy is mentioned in a book, my love for the novel increases tenfold. Puppies are my weakness, and whenever Shadow or Buttercup was mentioned I couldn't help but smile.

If you're looking for a stunning romance book with a female/female romance, then this is definitely the one for you. I highly recommend.

"Sometimes it takes more courage not to do something than to just play along.”

“Success doesn’t outweigh happiness. What good is it if you have no one to share it with?”

That's all from me! Keep your head in a book and your heart with stars. 

Thank you ♡

Check out the rest of my July TBR here!


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