Mini Magical Readathon TBR

Hello everyone! Today's post is going to be my TBR for the Mini Magical Readathon hosted by G over at Book Roast on YouTube. If you didn't know, the Magical Readathon is an Harry Potter inspired readathon where readers take their OWLs and NEWTs. During the month of April, I successfully completed my OWLs for 2 careers: Aurologist and Seer. Now a weeklong readathon called the Mini Magical Readathon: Visit Hogsmeade is taking place between June 22nd through to June 28th.

It isn't a requirement to complete this readathon if you're taking your OWLs and NEWTs however I thought it would be fun. Since the theme for this year's readathon is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, there's only one required prompt which is the Marauder's Map. All together there are 10 prompts, and I am going to attempt all 10 (I know, I'm crazy). If I do successfully read all 10 books, no one will be more surprised than me. Here are all of the prompts, as well as the books I've decided to read! 

I. Marauder's Map - Read a book with a map
~ The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson 
This will be a reread for me, but I'm very excited. I love Brandon Sanderson and I'm hoping to reread quite a few of his books before Rhythm of War is released in November.

II. 3 Broomsticks Inn - Read a book that's part of a trilogy 
~ Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince is the sequel to Clockwork Angel, and is the second book in The Infernal Devices. The Infernal Devices is my all time favourite series, in fact I'm rereading this trilogy for what feels like the millionth time. I just can't get enough of Will and Jem 

III. Madam Puddifoot's Tea and Cakes - Start a read with a cup of tea

~ Odessa by Jonathan Hill

I acquired this arc on Netgalley. In this graphic novel, three siblings search for their missing mother in a ruined America. With this being a graphic novel, I'm hoping it should be a fairly quick read. 

IV. Hogshead - Not the most popular, has less than 10,000 reviews on Goodreads
~ Haruiro Astronaut by Ichigo Takano 
This is the only manga I have on this TBR. Ichigo Takano is the author to one of my favourite manga series, Orange. Haruiro Astronaut is in fact a very short manga included at the end of one of the Orange books as a bonus story. It should be a fun and short read!

V. Honeydukes - red or green cover, or has sweets/baked goods on the cover 
~ In the Dark Soft Earth by Frank Watson 
In the Dark Soft Earth is a collection of poetry released earlier this month. I prefer not knowing too much about poetry books that I'm about to read. So if you want a synopsis, I'll leave the Goodreads page here!

VI. Zonko's Tricks and Jokes - Humorous Read
~ All About Us by Tom Ellen
All About Us is an A Christmas Carol retelling about love, loss and heartbreak - and how, with the help of a little magic, it's never too late to find the one you've been searching for. 

VII. Read a horror or a thriller
~ One by One - Ruth Ware

This is another arc that I acquired. One by One is a thriller set on a snow-covered mountain. An off-site company retreat goes horribly wrong when an avalanche hits. Come Monday morning, how many members short will the team be? Ruth Ware is a best-selling author known for her novels, The Turn of the Key and In a Dark Dark Wood. This will actually be my first novel by Ruth Ware! 

VIII. Scrivenshafts Quill Shop - Read a book written by a person of colour

~ A Lover's Discourse by Xiaolu Guo
Out of all of the books on this list, A Lover's Discourse is the one I'm most excited to sink my teeth into. This is a story of desire, love and language - and the meaning of home - told through conversations between two lovers. I've made it a goal of mine to read more diverse books, written by BIPOC Authors. This book is written by an Asian author, and as an Asian myself, I couldn't be more excited!

IX. Owl Post - Read a book you got via post or the last book you added to your TBR 
~  The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen 

I first read this series last year, and it was one of my favourites! I love Kelsea, I love this world, and I love Erika Johansen's writing style. I can't wait to reread this book, I'm intrigued to see whether it's as good as I remembered. In this book, an untested young princess must claim her throne, learn to become a queen, and combat a malevolent sorceress in an epic battle between light and darkness in this spectacular debut—the first novel in a trilogy.

X. Dervish and Banges - Steampunk Read 
~ Clockwork by Phillip Pullman 

Out of all the prompts, I think this was the most difficult to find a book for. Steampunk isn't my favourite, and so I don't own much steampunk books. I'm not even sure if Clockwork is steampunk but I'm counting it. Again, I don't know much about this book but I've heard great things about Phillip Pullman so fingers crossed I'll enjoy it!

Well, that's my TBR for the Mini Magical Readathon. Let me know if you've read any of the books mentioned, and if you did what you thought of it!

Thank you! 

Read my previous post about Book recommendations for BIPOC Authors here!


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