Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami Review

4 Stars ☆☆☆☆

This was my first Murakami book, and it was fantastic. I loved Murakami's writing style. Although the book was slow paced and full of long, unnecessary descriptions, I actually adored the writing. I can see why people consider it tedious, however I think it created the perfect tone. Killing Commendatore was atmospheric, and moody and gripping. Part of this is because the plot was excellently crafted. I had no idea where the story was heading, and just when I thought I did have an idea, Murakami threw a curveball and something completely bizarre happens (which I've heard is often the case with Murakami). I loved the motif of art in this novel. Art plays a key role in the plot and in the lead character's life. I enjoyed viewing the world through an artist's eyes. 

I will say, one thing I found weird was the constant mention of breasts? There are so many different ways to describe a woman, yet Murakami constantly was describing women by the size of their breasts, as if their breast size provided enough insight into the character? As long as we know that a female in the book has small breasts, we know exactly what kind of person she is. I hate to break it to you, but breast size doesn't determine personality, Murakami! I just thought it was unnecessary. (Also, I definitely overused the word "breast" in this paragraph.)

Overall, I highly recommend. My first Murakami book was a success, and I can't wait to discover more of his work!

If you've read this book, what did you think?

That's all from me, until next time bookworms! Keep your head in a book and your heart with the stars. 

Thank you! ♡ 


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